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Please use our contact page if you cannot find an answer to your question.
Go to the menu bar and click on the city of the show. On this page you will find application forms for each show.
Go to the menu bar and click on the city of the show. On this page you will find an application form for the show. Download the application form. On this form is the cost of tables for each show and much more information about set-up, times, dressing your table and more.
We ask that you complete your application form and mail with your check or money order to the address listed on the application form. We do not take credit cards for table reservations.
Please be aware we do not consider your tables reserved until full payment and your completed form are received in our office.
Many of our shows sell out for vendor space weeks to months in advance. We highly suggest reserving your spaces very early so as not to be disappointed.
For some shows we do hold a "wait list" for cancellations. Here are the guidelines should that be available:
Wait List Rules
We will hold your reservation request and payment until we have either 1) a confirmed cancellation or 2) we secure a smaller room adjacent to the large room for which we will place multiple tables/sellers. We will notify you in advance if you will be in the smaller location. Traffic in the show will be able to flow back and forth between rooms with no problems and appropriate signage will be posted. No reduction in table reservation is available for either location.
Applications and monies must be received no later than 2 weeks prior to the event (assuming space is still available).
We are often asked about buying doll collections. Since our primary focus is to provide quality locations and events for our sellers and customers; purchasing dolls is not in our purview. We also do not release our exhibitors names or contact information as that is against our privacy policy.
We will however, support you if you are the one selling a loved one's collection. We are here to provide a targeted audience; safe well-lit locations, and a fun encouraging environment. We will do our best to assist you should you decide to join one of our shows